Friday 7 September 2012

Is there Wine on Mars ?

Mars (image from NASA - Hubble Space Telescope)

Wine on Mars ? Of course there isn't, at least as we know it.

Vines would be required to survive extremely low temperatures (-75 degrees Celsius air temperature and -90 soil) and a tenuous carbon dioxide atmosphere.

They could get by on CO2 but the temperatures would kill them, unless they were earthed up, as in Russia or China during Earth winter months.

Seriously though, what might these wines, no doubt made from grape vines cultivated under futuristic geodisic glass domes, be like ?

Martian soils would not have any organic matter, little or no nitrogen but would no doubt have plenty of trace elements. Water could be found in sufficient quantities.

The Martian surface is mainly basalt based. There are also areas of clays and other sedimentary deposits to be found.

One might imagine a Petrus style wine made on these soils from Merlot and Cabernet Franc.

What better reason to want to explore Mars ?

Mars Science Lab (Curiosity).
Mars Image

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